Included in Classic Rock Set
Hotel California
on a dark desert highway
cool whip in my hair
We Will Rock You
got mud on your face
you big disgrace
kicking your cat
all over the place
Beast of Burden
i’ll never leave
your pizza burnin’
I Want to Hold Your Hand
i wanna hold your ham
i wanna hold your ham
i wanna hold your ham
Bad Moon Rising
there’s a bathroom on the right
Two Tickets to Paradise
i’ve got
two chickens to paralyze
Maker's Story
Bright Beam Goods
Austin, Texas
Founded in 2010
Bright Beam Goods was founded by friends Eve Trester-Wilson and Kristen von Minden who share a background in architecture, a taste for power tools, and a passion for crafting. Eve and Kristen create products they would love to own — high quality and handcrafted treasures, both playful and elegant—things that make them smile. They believe that handmade things carry more meaning. They are special, unique, imbued with traces of the human hand and they bring a sense of wonder and joy.
Photos: Bright Beam Goods | Text: Independent Goods